Sunday, April 14, 2019

Spring Walk in the Woods II

A small buckeye tree surrounded by May Apples. 
This was the field with the snow flowers. 

Two  volunteer white daffodils to the left of the May Apples. 

Yesterday, this was a huge pile of branches and logs.
Rain has soaked into the edges of the ashes. 

Yet another small buckeye tree among the white daffodils. 

These white daffodils are a little different. 
A hybrid...


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Spring Walk in the Woods

Volunteer yellow daffodils along the fence row. 
They sit in the sun and were the first to blossom. 

Before the leaves are out, 'widow makers' are seen throughout the woods.


The leaves on this small buckeye tree are coming out. 
A lone yellow daffodil in the field that is usually filled with daffodils. 

The two pair of ducks were no where to be seen on the pond. 

Yellow daffodils along the road. 
Our walk has taken us almost to the top of the hill. 

White daffodils amongst the trees at the top of the hill. 